The Minister of Education and Science announced the main objectives of the country’s educational policy for 2022/2023. Among the outlined objectives are those pertaining to vocational training.

  1. Education aimed at achieving human maturity by shaping attitudes focused on truth, good and beauty, enabling people to make responsible decisions.
  2. Supporting the educational role of the family through the proper organisation and implementation of educational activities: family life education and development, protecting and strengthening the mental health of children and youth.
  3. Undertaking activities to make the canon and premises of classical education more accessible and to refer to the civilizational heritage of Europe, including by enabling Latin to be learned from primary school.
  4. Improving teachers' competence to work with students from abroad, in particular from Ukraine, to adequately meet their current needs as well as to teach the new subjects introduced to the core curriculum.
  5. Supporting education in secondary schools in connection with the new form of the matriculation examination as of 2023.
  6. Improving the vocational education system with the involvement of employers - implementing the Integrated Skills Strategy 2030.
  7. Developing teachers' methods skills in correctly and effectively using information and communication technologies in educational processes. Supporting IT and media education, in particular, shaping a critical approach to content published in the Internet and social media.
  8. Supporting teachers and other school community members in developing students' basic and transversal skills, particularly using teaching aids acquired through the "Future Labs" programme.
  9. Increasing the quality of education and the availability and quality of support provided to children and pupils in mainstream and integrated preschools.