Written by Kasia Pająk

As is done every year in accordance with the requirements of the Act on the Educational Law, the Minister of National Education has defined the basic directions of the national education policy to be implemented in the coming school year.

Among the six indicated directions, one point is especially dedicated to vocational education and training: developing a programme offer in vocational education and implementing the new core curricula of vocational education. The remaining priorities apply to all types of schools and educational facilities.

Priorities for the 2019/2020 school year are:

  1. Substance abuse prevention in schools and educational facilities.
  2. Education to instill values by shaping civic and patriotic attitudes.
  3. Implementation of the new core curriculum for general education in primary and secondary schools.
  4. Development of students' mathematical competences.
  5. Development of creativity, entrepreneurship and the digital competences of students, including the safe and purposeful use of information and communication technologies in the implementation of the core curriculum for general education.
  6. Development of a programme offer in vocational education and implementation of the new core curricula for education in the professions.

More information on the direction of the national education policy can be found on the website of the Ministry of National Education.
