Marcin Broniszewski

ReferNet to sieć instytucji stworzona przez Cedefop w 2002 roku w celu zbierania informacji i monitorowania zmian w obszarze kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego (VET) w poszczególnych państwach członkowskich UE, Islandii i Norwegii.  W skład sieci wchodzi trzydziestu partnerów z trzydziestu państw:

ibw Austria - Research & Development in VET
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Bruxelles Formation
Homepage | ReferNet website |

NAVET - National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |

AVETAE - Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education
Homepage | ReferNet website |

HRDA - Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus
Homepage | ReferNet website |

NÚV - National Institute for Education, Education Counselling Centre, And Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Metropolitan University College
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Ministry of Education and Research
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Finnish National Agency of Education
Homepage | ReferNet website |  |  | 

Centre Inffo – Centre for the Development of Information on Continuing Vocational Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |  | 

Homepage | ReferNet website | |


State Foundation for Employment and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website | | | |  | |

ECBO - Centre for expertise in VET
Homepage | ReferNet website | |

Education Directorate
Homepage | ReferNet website |

SOLAS - Further Education and Training Authority
Homepage | ReferNet website |

KPMPC – Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre
Homepage | ReferNet website |

INFPC – National Institute for the Development of Continuing Vocational Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |


AIC – Academic Information Centre - Latvian National Observatory
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Ministry for Education and Employment
Homepage | ReferNet website |

BIBB - Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Norwegian Centre for international cooperation in education
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Educational Research Institute (IBE)
Homepage | ReferNet website

DGERT- Directorate General for Employment and Industrial Relations
Homepage | ReferNet website |

CNDIPT - National centre for development of technical and vocational education
Homepage | ReferNet website |

SIOV - State Institute of VET
Homepage | ReferNet website |

CPI - Centre for Vocational Education and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |

SKOLVERKET - Swedish National Agency for Education
HomepageReferNet website |

National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning - NSZFH-NOVETAL
Homepage | ReferNet website |

 Wielka Brytania
HomepageReferNet website |

INAPP - Istituto Nazionale per l'Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche
HomepageReferNet website |