In February 2020, the Minister of National Education announced the second forecast of the demand for employees in the national and regional labour markets from the professions taught in vocational education.

The forecast was developed based on data collected by the Educational Research Institute.

The purpose of the forecast is to indicate the directions in which the VET offer in vocational schools should be developed in relation to the needs of the national and regional labour markets. The forecast is divided into two parts – national and regional, and presents the high and moderate demands for workers in specific occupations.

The national forecast contains an alphabetical list of 24 professions for which high demand is expected due to their importance to national development. The forecast aims to support and expand the offer of the VET occupations taught in Poland. The list includes professions in the fields of automation, electromechanics, electronics and mechatronics, as well as electrician, mechanics driver, mechanics assembler of machines and devices.

The forecast was prepared on the basis of analyses conducted by the Educational Research Institute using various quantitative and qualitative data. The opinions of the Sectoral Skills Councils, the Competence Programme Council, as well as the relevant ministers overseeing specific professions, also play an important role.

As part of the amended provisions of the School Educational Act, local governments will receive an increased education subsidy in 2021 for VET schools teaching those professions which are forecast to be especially sought after in the domestic labour market, as indicated in the 2020 forecast.


More information and a full list of needed occupations are avalible at the website of the Ministry of Education (information avalible only in Polish).