Cedefop: shifting the learning perspective
High-level conference: Skills for Industry. Upskilling and Reskilling in the Post-Covid Era. Fostering New Services and Jobs Creation
Integrated Qualification System (IQS) - a new look at the role of career counseling
Konferencja wysokiego szczebla: Skills for Industry. Upskilling and Reskilling in the Post-Covid Era. Fostering New Services and Jobs Creation
New report from IBE: Small cities and the challenges of lifelong learning
Nowy numer Kwartalnika ZSK 1/2021
Nowy raport IBE: Małe miasta wobec wyzwań idei uczenia się przez całe życie
Raport EISMEA: Trzy scenariusze do 2030
The EISMEA report: Three scenarios for 2030
V Forum Edukacji Dorosłych