Cedefop, in cooperation with ReferNet partners, is developing a new tool that will allow the mechanisms promoting the mobility of VET learners to be compared among EU Member States, Norway and Island. Cedefop presented the results of this work, a prototype of the tool, on June 3, 2016. A full version of the tool will be officially launched during vocational education and training week in December of this year.

This new tool is directed primarily to decision-makers and stakeholders, as it will enable them to broadly assess the structure, policies and results of learners’ mobility. Maps, graphs and tables will allow comparisons to be made of the situation in all EU Member States.

More information is available at the Cedefop website


In May of this year, two ReferNet partners, ISFOL from Italy  and Eoppep from Greece, organised Partnership Forums. The two events focused on the VET policy questionnaire, Spotlight on VET, national news and VET in Europe reports. Additional important topics were: writing for an international audience, using common terminology and peer reviewing other partners' reports. Workshops on the survey of the international mobility of initial vocational education and training (IVET) learners were also organised this year.

ReferNet partners and Cedefop organise Partnership Forums each year to exchange views and experiences on vocational education and training and to elaborate a common understanding of tasks in the annual work plan.

More information is available at the Cedefop website.

The EQAVET (European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training) Network met at the Educational Research Institute on April 14-15, 2016. This was another meeting in the cycle of Peer Learning Activities. The following topics were the main themes of the meeting:

  1. Quality assurance for defining qualifications and qualification standards based on the learning outcomes approach;
  2. Quality assurance for assessment and certification of learning outcomes.
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