Cedefop, the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training, is looking for ambassadors to disseminate activities aimed at reducing early leaving from ​​vocational education and training.

The announcement is addressed to a wide range of people involved in the education process - from political decision makers, to learning providers and experts. Ambassadors are involved in developing a network of contacts of representatives from various countries, as well as providing a platform to exchange experiences and good practices on addressing early leaving from vocational education.


Additional information and the application form can be found at the CEDEFOP website.

CEDEFOOP has developed a range of tools, practical tips and good practices aimed at addressing early school leaving from ​​vocational education and training. These materials are available from the CEDEFOP website.

We have just completed the annual plenary meeting of ReferNet network members, with a record number of participants involved in the three-day event. Over 80 representatives from 30 different organisations debated the perspectives and development of vocational education in Europe.

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