The conference organised on the 20th and 21st of June in Warsaw, by the Educational Research Institute, will provide an opportunity to discuss the sectoral approach to qualifications. The conference is addressed to all interested in joining the development of sectoral qualifications: employers, industry organizations, trade unions, members of the Sector Competence Boards, representatives of central administration and local government, training companies and other institutions and units.

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A consortium of the Educational Research Institute (Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych) and the „Your New Opportunities” Association (Stowarzyszenie „Twoje Nowe Możliwości”) completed a research project co-funded by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled People (PFRON). The main purpose of the project was to assess the effectiveness of PFRON’s activating activities and to perform an in-depth diagnosis of the social and professional situation of higher education graduates.

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