The awards highlight good practices and recognise excellence in vocational education and training (VET) all over Europe. The winners will be announced during the closing event of European Vocational Skills Week 2018 in Vienna.

There are four categories of awards. September 20th is the deadline for the application in the VET Innovators category for:

- Teachers and trainers

- VET providers

- VET research.

Detailed information on the awards, criteria and application forms are available on the website of European Vocational Skills Week 2018:

The conference organised on the 20th and 21st of June in Warsaw, by the Educational Research Institute, will provide an opportunity to discuss the sectoral approach to qualifications. The conference is addressed to all interested in joining the development of sectoral qualifications: employers, industry organizations, trade unions, members of the Sector Competence Boards, representatives of central administration and local government, training companies and other institutions and units.

More information: