CEDEFOP has presented a new tool - the European Skills Index (ESI), which aims to monitor and compare activities relating to the development of skills undertaken by individual EU countries.

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September 2018 marks the start of the UniVet project (University or Vocational Education and Training), funded by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Programme.

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Cedefop has just published a report entitled "Guidance and outreach for inactive and unemployed - Poland" prepared within the ReferNet project.

The report presents the activities conducted to reach vulnerable groups affected by unemployment and inactivity, in particular young adults not in employment, education or training (NEET) and adults experiencing long-term unemployment (LTU). Two examples of outreach practices were chosen for an in-depth presentation: the activities of the Voluntary Labour Corps and the development of social cooperatives.



We cordially invite you to take a look at this report!