Vocational school students are invited to participate in a contest for a film promoting vocational education. Make a video using any technique on one of the following topics: My occupation in the global job market or Vocational school - I like it! Submit an application form, put the video on a website and you will be eligible to win a valuable prize. The deadline for submitting applications is 30.10.2017.

Cedefop invites you to take part in a photography contest entitled "Education and Vocational Training: Tell Us Your Story". Two to three-person teams of students from the vocational education and training sector can participate in the contest. Its purpose is to encourage students to present what vocational education and training means to them and to share their experiences in vocational education.
The prize is a trip to Brussels or Thessaloniki.
The deadline for submitting entries is 15 July 2017.
Details of the contest are available at the Cedefop website.

In commemoration of the accession of Poland to the European Union (May 1) and European Union Day (May 9), the European Documentation Centre in cooperation with ReferNet Poland organised an exhibit to promote the publications of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Cedefop from the collections of the European Reading Room of the Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics (ML CUE). 

Publication series were displayed, such as:
VET in Europe – country reports
Spotlight on
Short description and others.

Academic staffs are one of the main targets of the reports and analyses published by Cedefop, and for this reason, the exhibit was organised at the ML CUE – to emphasise the role of libraries in promoting Cedefop publications in the academic community.

The exhibit may be viewed in the hall of the Main Library of CUE in Kraków,
at 27 Rakowiecka Street on the third floor.

We cordially invite you to see this exhibit.