Over one hundred stakeholders took part in diagnostic workshops on the Integrated Skills Strategy, organised in cooperation with OECD, which took place on February 5, 2019.
Cedefop published an analysis of the results of a public opinion survey on vocational education and training in Poland. Cedefop European public opinion survey on VET took place in 2016.
CEDEFOP together with EUROFOUND (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions) published a report forecasting the demand for skills and occupations in the next twelve years.
At the end of the year, CEDEFOP (European Center for the Development of Vocational Training) published a report on the cooperation of European Union countries in developing vocational education and training.
On November 29, 2018, The President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, signed the Act amending the Act on the Education Law, the Education System Act and other acts adopted by Parliament. This is a big step towards the reform of VET in Poland.
Cedefop, the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training, is looking for ambassadors to disseminate activities aimed at reducing early leaving from vocational education and training.
The announcement is addressed to a wide range of people involved in the education process - from political decision makers, to learning providers and experts. Ambassadors are involved in developing a network of contacts of representatives from various countries, as well as providing a platform to exchange experiences and good practices on addressing early leaving from vocational education.
Additional information and the application form can be found at the CEDEFOP website.
CEDEFOOP has developed a range of tools, practical tips and good practices aimed at addressing early school leaving from vocational education and training. These materials are available from the CEDEFOP website.
We have just completed the annual plenary meeting of ReferNet network members, with a record number of participants involved in the three-day event. Over 80 representatives from 30 different organisations debated the perspectives and development of vocational education in Europe.
The winners were announced of the VET Excellence Awards 2018, an important event at this year's celebration of European Vocational Skills Week. Joanna Żebrowska won in the "Teacher and Trainer" category, the only representative of Poland nominated to this prestigious competition by the European Commission.