The report by IBE’s researchers Michał Danielewicz and Kamila Hernik is based on many hours of in-depth interviews with people who radically changed their profession – changing both the place and sector in which they worked. To better understand the process of changing professions, the authors placed it in a broader context and also asked respondents about their overall educational and professional pathways as well as about their families, life priorities, financial resources and key moments in their life history.

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A successive edition of the publication  “Education in the 2019/2020 school year “ has been published by the Statistics Poland. It describes the state and dynamics of changes in the Polish education system.

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Career guidance for adults helps to motivate adults to train and to help address the challenges brought about by rapidly changing skill needs. Such services are particularly important amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, as many adults have lost jobs and require assistance navigating their career options in the changed labour market.

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The Council of Ministers adopted the "Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part)" (Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności. Część szczegółowa) by resolution No. 195/2020 of December 28, 2020. Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 has the status of a public policy and in accordance with the provisions of the amended Act of 15 July 2020 on the principles of development policy, it defines the basic conditions, goals and directions of the country's development in the social, economic and spatial dimensions of a given field or area, which result directly from the country's medium-term development strategy, i.e. the Strategy for Responsible Development.

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